Thursday, October 22, 2009

Extreme Enough Makeover

When I began my foray into the world of freelance writing I knew a few things: it would be difficult, I wouldn't get rich (darn it!), writers block is not a myth and I would face distractions.
I try many remedies for the above thorns in my side and not surprisingly the biggest one is distractions. A husband, two kids and a Great Dane share my house with me and do not respect my ''cone of silence''. That is what I call it when I am on my laptop. Bribery, begging and threats did not make a difference.
Drastic times call for drastic measures right?
That is what I convinced my husband of. I am taking over his weight room. Gasp! I never thought I would see this day but I am thankful that he is willing to give it up to support my writing efforts.
I bought the paint and brushes. Deep red and mustard seed. I am going for a Moroccan/Indian feel. I hope it turns out how I am envisioning but even if it doesn't at least it will be quiet!