Friday, December 26, 2008


I have developed a pretty typical morning routine that I prefer to stick to (read this as I get real cranky otherwise). I drink two cups of water, crack open a can of diet pop and then sit at my laptop to email my mom then check my favorite new sites (Fox news is always first, then CNN etc) but today all that came to a screeching halt when I read this article (,2933,473072,00.html) The headline grabbed my attention. Kid who eat breakfast lose their virginity later. No, not later in the day after their Wheaties have settled but rather an average of two years later. That is pretty significant. As a mother of a 16 year old boy this hit home. I try to encourage my son to eat breakfast because I know it is healthier. Now armed with this ammo that kid isn't getting out of here without an omelet or other healthy fare. I know it isn't just the partaking of a morning meal that delayed the teens in the study from having sex. It is more to do with the home environment. Kids who grow up with someone who cares enough to provide them with a nutritional breakfast is more likely to be providing them with other essentials such as role modeling, support, love etc. In my eyes I provide that to my son but perception always rules over reality so who knows what he really thinks. Making him breakfast in the morning won't ever change but the menu will. I am thinking that subliminal messaging might just affect the teenage mind so I am striking a few things from the breakfast menu. No more pop tarts or french toast, definitely no sticky buns and absolutely no hoe cakes ever.

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