Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Years ago I had read an article about High Fructose Corn Syrup and how its use is becoming more prevalent. No kidding! These days it is hard to pick up any prepackaged food without it being listed in the ingredients. Ketchup, bread, cereal, yogurt all may contain HFCS.
There is a bit of debate between nutritionists and the Corn Refiners Association (who make HFCS) about the risks of HFCS. Many scientists and nutritionist believe that HFCS contributes to the growing obesity epidemic in our country. The CRA even launched an advertising campaign to supposedly clear up the facts and enlighten consumers about HFCS. The commercials try to turn their bad rap into a silly urban myth with no basis in truth. The funny thing about facts is sometimes the more detail you go into the less ''factual'' the claim can be. For example the CRA states ''IT IS MADE FROM CORN'' that indeed is a fact. However, it is refined using artificial agents making it no where near as nutritional beneficial as an ear of corn.
''IT IS NATURAL'' . Whoa nelly, it starts out natural but the Food and Drug Administration's labeling guidelines let this one squeak by as nothing artificial is added to the final product but a bevy of artificial and/or synthetic agents are used to manufacture HFCS. Nice loophole! Another claim touted in the television commercial by the CRA is that ''LIKE SUGAR, OK IN MODERATION'' . There have been enough lab rats with organ abnormalities for this to give me pause but even without conclusive scientific evidence that HFCS is bad for you I would say that given that this is found in nearly 80% of prepackaged foods that it is very difficult to consume it in moderation if your diet consists of those types of foods. It is in foods you might not suspect such as :
Tropicana Smoothies
Kellogs Corn Flakes
Miracle Whip
Nabisco Fig Newtons
Delsym Childrens Cough Syrup
Kraft Cheese Nips
Nabisco Wheat Thins
Cool Whip
Yoplait yogurt
Smuckers Grape Jelly
Wishbone Ranch Dressing
A1 Sauce
Bullseye BBQ Sauce
Stove Top Stuffing

This is by no means an inclusive list. It is just a tiny sample of where HFCS is. It is not limited to brand types or specific food groups. Now one can see how ''moderation'' would be difficult to achieve. Until the FDA tightens their guidelines and more conclusive research is done it is up to the consumer to diligently read labels and decide if that prepackaged food is worth the convenience or if there is another product on the shelf that doesn't list HFCS on its ingredients. Write to the manufacturer and tell them you won't buy their products with HFCS. I avoid it whenever I can and remember next time you push your cart down the aisle of the grocery store... CAVEAT EMPTOR (let the buyer beware)

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