Thursday, January 1, 2009


I certainly did not do anything of interest to acquire my headache. POUND POUND POUND

It is just there. Appearing this afternoon around 4pm. Darn it. I don't drink, smoke or party. I was in bed by 9pm and slept through the ringing in of the new year. Through the pounding I pondered what I could do to rid myself of the incessant POUND POUND POUND. I cleaned my glasses and took two Aleve. The label says to start with one so I am sure two is the correct dosage. POUND POUND POUND it has been forty minutes and still no relief. Damn. Sorry, DAR
N. No, this really hurts and is annoying. Let's leave it at damn. I took 3 aspirin and drank a cup of milk with a few crackers. I don't need a stomach ache to boot. Twenty minutes later I am down to a THROB THROB THROB. I feel a sense of hope. I take a steamy hot shower to relax. Clean my glasses again and drink some diet Coke for the caffeine. Now I am down to more of a strong poke in my frontal lobe. POKE POKE POKE. Four hours in and I still have it. Did someone with a new year's hangover wish it away and it landed on me? Cool pack on the head for a few minutes barely abates it. PULSE PULSE PULSE . Crap. I give in. I am going to bed and I am taking my headache with me.

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