Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Don't Like Negativity

I don't like negativity especially when it comes to the temperature. I have many errands that I simply cannot put off today. The pharmacy to get my thyroid medication, the post office to mail a birthday gift, the grocery store for well, groceries and the gym. Normally I don't mind having to run to a few different places around town but today I am dreading it. It is MINUS ELEVEN outside. Seeing as how it is January and I live in Nebraska one might think I should be used to this. Cold is one thing, bitter cold is another but minus eleven with the additional horrid windchill makes it an Arctic blasting cold that I just have a hard time dealing with.


Life isn't just about me though so as I sat here in my warm house delaying my errands because of the weather I thought about those who would gladly trade places with me. The homeless shelters are at capacity and it is not supposed to warm up for a couple more days. I gathered some extra blankets, a couple coats, mittens and scarves and the first place I am heading is the Open Door Mission in Omaha where these items are in high demand.

I feel warmer already.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you didn't post this on AC you should. THIS is inspiring!
