Thursday, March 5, 2009


Some days bedtime just can't come soon enough. Being a stay at home mom and a homeschooler is a never ending list of chores assignments , standoffs and questions. I am tired and my patience tends to wear thin around 8:00 pm. My six year old daughter has developed quite the repertoire of bedtime stalling tactics. These days after the correct stuffed animal has been chosen, the right un-itchy pajamas are on and teeth are brushed we read a book or two and then lights out.

That is when the questions start. Not easy questions mind you. Hard ones. Her sweet lisping questions coming through the gap where her two front teeth used to be. ''How do babies get in the mommies tummy?" " What is the stuff octopus' squirt out'' and the like. Sigh. Why can't we tackle this subject matter in the morning? I try to encourage her to remember her questions for the morning and we can find a book on it or look it up on the internet. A few nights ago she asked me why we don't know when people are going to die. I gently explained to her that none of us know how many days we have and that only God knows the answer to that.

Her sweet little reply made me smile. ''Can't we just go to and look it up?"

If only everything was that easy!

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