Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I am not your typical tech and electronics hound that must have the newest phone, Ipod, laptop or game console but I was curious about the Wii. Media coverage of this popular video game system was extensive. I read and heard about it everywhere but had resisted for months even looking at it in the stores. Christmas shopping season heralded a new wave of Wii interest and it seemed to be on many people's Christmas wish list. My desire for a Wii did not fully bloom until I heard so many people talking about it after the holiday season. Now I wanted one. Badly. So does everyone else. Often sold out and never found on sale I finally forked out the bucks for a Wii. Whee! It was fun! Easy to set up (I just asked my teenager to do it) and everyone in the family enjoys playing it too.

I am on a perpetual diet and I love the Wii so the next logical conclusion was; ''I must get a Wii Fit". Easier said than done. I visit the stores trying to time it when they say the delivery trucks come but so far no luck. Unable to ''pre-buy'' it at the store and it is sold out online.

I am having a hard time being patient. I have heard and read so many great things about the Wii Fit that I can't wait to get my pudgy little hands on one.

1 comment:

Abas KS said...

Yes, Wii seems like a lot of fun.