Monday, November 17, 2008

Feeling Flakey

It is November and it seems that each day it gets a little bit colder but where is the snow? This time of year when Autumn is ending but Winter is just not quite here yet is my least favorite time of the year. The grey cold sky is the same color as the pavement. The trees have lost their leaves and lawns are losing their color. The chilly gloom is depressing. I can't wait for a nice fluffy blanket of the white stuff.

If I am going to be cold I might as well have fun in it. I love playing with the kids, building a snowman and then coming inside with our noses running, eyeglasses steamed up,socks soggy to have hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. The sled is hanging in the garage. I have our snow boots, hats and mittens lined up and ready. Now I am waiting. It is November, it is Nebraska, come on already - LET IT SNOW!

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