Saturday, November 22, 2008

Safe Haven Law is an oxymoron!

Between July of this year and today there have been 36 children brought to or dropped off in Nebraska by parents seeking immunity via the Safe Haven Law. This law has made headlines on the national news front. Viewers are shocked and astounded that parents would be driven to such extremes. Not all of these children were from Nebraska, some were from California, Florida and Michigan. Can you imagine driving anywhere from seven to fourteen hours to relinquish your child? The drive would give you a lot of time to think, many miles for second thoughts but those parents still did it.

As of today though that has changed. The State Haven Law in Nebraska has now been changed to infants thirty days old or younger. States that do have Safe Haven Laws most are aimed at the thirty day old mark. How is that some magical number? What happens to families in crisis now? Just because the law is not there does not mean the need is not. I do not believe the law should have been changed until there was services put in place to help these parents who would feel they have no other choice. How many headlines like missing Caylee Anthony, Precious Doe do we have to read before our state takes actions to help families in dire need of support?

I think Nebraska's stance is making a statement that only newborns are deserving of intervention and rescue.

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